Saturday, August 15, 2015

as we swept along,

done with my first week of college and I can honestly say that I am beyond exhausted?? I have so much work already (just readings though) and I am constantly clouded by social engagements/conventions. There is so much going on in this heaven of a school, so i need to not let my own self-consciousness overwhelm me. Reign myself in (oh what an irony in itself).

do not get carried away.

Monday, August 10, 2015


is a philosophical doctrine stressing the subjugation of all events or actions to fate

.............. i dont know how i feel about this

Sunday, August 9, 2015

tads right

bright eyes

I have been trying to post on my wordpress, but somehow my genuine and unfiltered spew just doesnt seem to flow there haha. So here I find myself reclining back to a safer haven, where I can feel like my old retarded self again (and proceed to post lame crap without any regard for my English).

So... college has just started for me and I guess this marks the opening of a brand new chapter in my life? First of, I would like to acknowledge how incredibly blessed I am, for such an incredible institution to have a place for me. I love how everyone here is so talented and passionate, making me think twice, reminding me to remain humble and teach myself how to be a better, smarter and stronger person.

So, no regrets I guess. :)

Yes, it is strange indeed to tell myself that I am finally here. I have to pinch myself sometimes, to remind myself that all the effort I have placed into my academic career has culminated to this very moment. All the blood, tears, temper tantrums and torture.

I need to stop and remind myself to breathe, to live in the moment.

The next four years would probably be the only chance I would get to explore myself, and to pursue different interests. All in all, I am excited to learn more about myself and figure out what life has in stored for me. :)

Shall constantly remind myself of how incredibly blessed I am.

Hope that when the going gets rough, I will still hold what is true to me.