Tuesday, March 31, 2015

cute but psycho

tell yourself you’re hot. tell yourself you’re amazing. tell yourself you’re untouchably, radiantly attractive. do it every day, even if it feels like you’re lying to yourself. insist to the mirror that you’re the cutest thing its ever reflected. if you do it enough eventually it wont feel like lying anymore, it’ll be automatic, and you’ll recognize yourself as the incredible babe you really are.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

yadayada yay

just keep holding on. because one day the oceans will move and the stars will collapse. everything changes, as does your life.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

after a year;

 hello folks,
so recently I'm trying to get into blogging again. Probs got inspired by how everyone else has been blogging while I have been wasting my life away. Hahaha but anyway, until I really get the inspiration to type about my life in words I shall give you guys a brief summary about my post-As life in an extended point form.
  1. lying in bed
  2. charging my ipod
  3. shopping
  4. loadsa shopping
  5. cooking (i try)
  6. attempting to mug for the Situation Judgement Test (sobs); 
  8. attempting to read the news (sorta)
  9. disturbing people on whatsapp; like literally LONG and ANNOYING spams while everyone just ignores me ahaha
  10. Meeting people for dinner mostly :') fun times aye, fun times
Probably going to update in point-form from now 'cos that was rather enjoyable.