Saturday, August 15, 2015

as we swept along,

done with my first week of college and I can honestly say that I am beyond exhausted?? I have so much work already (just readings though) and I am constantly clouded by social engagements/conventions. There is so much going on in this heaven of a school, so i need to not let my own self-consciousness overwhelm me. Reign myself in (oh what an irony in itself).

do not get carried away.

Monday, August 10, 2015


is a philosophical doctrine stressing the subjugation of all events or actions to fate

.............. i dont know how i feel about this

Sunday, August 9, 2015

tads right

bright eyes

I have been trying to post on my wordpress, but somehow my genuine and unfiltered spew just doesnt seem to flow there haha. So here I find myself reclining back to a safer haven, where I can feel like my old retarded self again (and proceed to post lame crap without any regard for my English).

So... college has just started for me and I guess this marks the opening of a brand new chapter in my life? First of, I would like to acknowledge how incredibly blessed I am, for such an incredible institution to have a place for me. I love how everyone here is so talented and passionate, making me think twice, reminding me to remain humble and teach myself how to be a better, smarter and stronger person.

So, no regrets I guess. :)

Yes, it is strange indeed to tell myself that I am finally here. I have to pinch myself sometimes, to remind myself that all the effort I have placed into my academic career has culminated to this very moment. All the blood, tears, temper tantrums and torture.

I need to stop and remind myself to breathe, to live in the moment.

The next four years would probably be the only chance I would get to explore myself, and to pursue different interests. All in all, I am excited to learn more about myself and figure out what life has in stored for me. :)

Shall constantly remind myself of how incredibly blessed I am.

Hope that when the going gets rough, I will still hold what is true to me.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

its hard to tell

Finally got shortlisted for an interview today with one of my dream schools!! *_* Omagaddd couldn't sleep practically the whole of last night because my mind was racing and I kept going through everything I would say for potential questions. I just hope and pray and cross ma fingers that I would get in because there's nothing I really want more in life right now. :'(

This then brings me on to ponder if risks in life are actually worth taking (shall keep these part of my thoughts private but hmmhmmm decisions decisions).

Oh and I FINALLY finished Season 2 of Dance Academy!! YAYZERS omagad at first I thought DA was really lame but I stuck with it being an incredibly lame person myself, but WOW. Actual tears were streaming down my face when Abigail burst into tears in the middle of her audition. HAHAHA this is so not just a typical happy teen show about ballet dancing and shenanigans, WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO US PRODUCERS???? ALL THESE UNWANTED EMOTIONS. SOBS.
Earlier today went to IMH again with Shaphy for the drumming sesh! It was pretty awesum even though my naturally shyness prevented me from leading the entire group, but it was still nice and we actually got to interact with the nurses today. :-) The usual man who acts as the conductor while the patients dance around wasn't here so some student nurse got Shaph to conduct!!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm k bye going to watch season 3 of Dance Academy now before reading up some medical stuff dayum.

//p.s excites because day 1 of my healthy lifestyle starts tmr

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

cute but psycho

tell yourself you’re hot. tell yourself you’re amazing. tell yourself you’re untouchably, radiantly attractive. do it every day, even if it feels like you’re lying to yourself. insist to the mirror that you’re the cutest thing its ever reflected. if you do it enough eventually it wont feel like lying anymore, it’ll be automatic, and you’ll recognize yourself as the incredible babe you really are.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

yadayada yay

just keep holding on. because one day the oceans will move and the stars will collapse. everything changes, as does your life.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

after a year;

 hello folks,
so recently I'm trying to get into blogging again. Probs got inspired by how everyone else has been blogging while I have been wasting my life away. Hahaha but anyway, until I really get the inspiration to type about my life in words I shall give you guys a brief summary about my post-As life in an extended point form.
  1. lying in bed
  2. charging my ipod
  3. shopping
  4. loadsa shopping
  5. cooking (i try)
  6. attempting to mug for the Situation Judgement Test (sobs); 
  8. attempting to read the news (sorta)
  9. disturbing people on whatsapp; like literally LONG and ANNOYING spams while everyone just ignores me ahaha
  10. Meeting people for dinner mostly :') fun times aye, fun times
Probably going to update in point-form from now 'cos that was rather enjoyable.